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Geoconservation Research (Geoconserv. Res.)

Editor-in-Chief: Michael Benton, PhD

Online ISSN: 2588-7343

Print ISSN: 2645-4661

Publishes Biannual

Review Article Geoparks
Geoconservation and Responsible Use of the Territory: Experiences from the Lanzarote and Chinijo Islands UNESCO Global Geopark.

The island of Lanzarote represents a fragile insular space of high environmental value, where coexistence between conservation and the controlled and responsible use of local heritage has been achieved. Since April 2015, Lanzarote and the set of islands and islets of the Chinijo Islands, have been part of the UNESCO Global Geopark Network. Among its […]

Original Article Geoheritage
Volcanic Monument of Western Anatolia: Kula-Salihli UNESCO Global Geopark

The Kula-Salihli UNESCO Global Geopark includes evidence of geological history spanning 600 million years, from Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks to late prehistoric volcanic eruptions. It can function as a field laboratory for geosciences, demonstrating a variety of graben and fault structures and fluvial, volcanic, and karstic landscapes, in addition to rocks from various geological eras, evidence […]

Figure 13
Original Article Geoheritage
El Hierro UNESCO Geopark: Geological Heritage, Geoconservation and Geoturism.

El Hierro UNESCO Global Geopark, the first declared in the Canary Islands, treasures an impressive geological heritage, represented by its Geological Interesting Places (GIPs or geosites) has as foremost exponents those related to the formation of mega-landslides and the formation of extensive fields of pahoehoe lava-flows associated with the historical or prehistoric fissure vulcanism that […]

Original Article Geoparks
Azores UNESCO Global Geopark: Where Volcanoes Tell us their Stories

The Azores UNESCO Global Geopark, located in the North Atlantic Ocean is a volcanic archipelago with several non-inhabited islets and nine inhabited islands. The 27 volcanic systems with polygenetic central volcanoes and volcanic ridges, most of them active but dormant, represent an exuberant geological heritage, most of which (77% of geosites) is protected. The quantity […]

Original Article Geoconservation Geoparks
The Volcanic History of the UNESCO Global Geopark Bohemian Paradise

Central Europe and the area of the UNESCO Global Geopark Bohemian Paradise have been affected by global tectonic events, especially during the last 500 million years. Volcanic phenomena are the most striking traces today of such past tectonic events. At the end of the Paleozoic, there were a number of volcanic eruptions connected to the […]

Original Article Geoheritage
The Basaltic Monogenetic Volcanic Field of the Bakony–Balaton UNESCO Global Geopark, Hungary: From Science to Geoeducation and Geotourism

As a part of the long-standing volcanism of the Carpathian–Pannonian Region, a basaltic monogenetic volcanic field developed here from 8–2.3 Ma. This is a specific type of volcanism, when mostly a small volume of magma erupts intermittently and always in a new place. The Bakony–Balaton Uplands area is an excellent natural laboratory, where several unique […]

Original Article Geopark Geosite
Volcanic features within Katla UNESCO Global Geopark

Katla UNESCO Global Geopark is one of the most active volcanic areas in Iceland where the Eastern Volcanic Zone and the Iceland Mantle Plume control the activity. The interaction of ice and fire has dominated the eruption styles and formations from the central volcanoes while large fissure eruptions have occurred on the fissure swarms of […]

Original Article Geoconservation
The Vanishing Volcanic Geoheritage of a Key Scoria Cone and its Significance in Volcanic Hazard Resilience of the Active Monogenetic Volcanic Field near Al Madinah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Four small scoria cones in the western outskirts of Al Madinah City, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, form a distinct young volcanic landmark. These volcanoes, despite their very small size, provide one of the most fundamental sources of information about the early eruption mechanism of rising mafic magma in the context of an active volcanic […]

Original Article Geoconservation
The Cabo de Gata-Níjar UNESCO Global Geopark (Almería, Spain). A Volcanism between Land and Sea

Cabo de Gata-Níjar geopark is an exceptional volcanic zone in the western Mediterranean because of the submarine effusive volcanism and the large volume of subaerial pyroclastic deposits; volcanism developed between land and sea. Its extensive outcrops attract students and researchers from all over Europe to have a better and more precise understanding of the processes […]

Original Article Geoheritage
Cretaceous Volcanic Rock Geosites of the Papuk UNESCO Global Geopark (Croatia): Scientific Aspect of Geoheritage in Geoeducation, Geotourism and Geoconservation

Research over decades confirms the geological values of the Papuk UNESCO Global Geopark (Croatia) as a unique place in the regional frame where several orogenic events left their traces through the formation of diverse lithologies. The important part of the geological mosaic, at least in the western part of the Geopark, is the variety of […]
