Exciting News: Anthropogenic Pollution is Now Indexed in DOAJ
We are delighted to announce that, as of 20 November 2024, Anthropogenic Pollution has been officially accepted for inclusion in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
This achievement reflects our dedication to promoting open-access publishing and ensuring that high-quality research is freely accessible to readers worldwide. Being included in the DOAJ is a significant milestone, underscoring our commitment to maintaining rigorous editorial standards and transparency in publishing.
What This Means for Our Authors and Readers
- Greater Visibility:
- International Recognition:
- Commitment to Excellence:
We would like to extend our sincere thanks to our authors, reviewers, and editorial team for their invaluable contributions, which have made this success possible. We look forward to continuing our mission of publishing research that drives knowledge and innovation.
To explore our publications or learn more about submitting your work, visit [Insert Journal Website].
Thank you for your continued support.
Dr Mohsen Aarabi | Executive Director | OICC Press
Stroud Court, Oxford Road, Eynsham, Witney, OX29 4DA, Oxfordshire, UK
oiccpress.com | Speed of work and transparency for all publications
November 2024 - All OICC Press Journals are listed on JISC.
We are proud to be listed in the Jisc Journal Archives, a platform that champions open access in the UK. Through Jisc’s initiatives, our content is made more accessible to researchers, students, and educators, supporting the global movement towards freely accessible academic knowledge.
Jisc supports open access as a way to enhance knowledge sharing and academic collaboration. Our listing with Jisc reflects our commitment to providing accessible, high-quality research to readers without financial or institutional barriers, aligning with the principles of open access.
March 2024 – Exciting News: We Are Now A Consortium Lead of DataCite DOI Registration!
We are delighted to announce that our organisation has taken a significant step forward in research and data sharing by assuming the role of consortium lead for DataCite. This new responsibility is a testament to our dedication to promoting accessibility, discoverability, and the seamless sharing of research outputs.
As the consortium lead, we will advocate for good data management and citation practices. We aim to empower researchers and data creators to use DataCite’s robust infrastructure, ensuring their valuable work is preserved, connected, and readily accessible to the global community.
Please stay tuned for further updates as we embark on this exciting journey to enhance the impact and reach of scholarly research.
January 2023 – ScholarOne Manuscripts
One of the influential advantages of ScholarOne Manuscripts is its user-friendly interface, which simplifies the manuscript submission process for authors with intuitive navigation and clear instructions. Authors can easily submit their work, upload files, and track the progress of their submission at every stage. This user-centric approach enhances author satisfaction and engagement, fostering a positive publishing experience. Resources are designed to help authors set up accounts, create and track submissions, and get published via ScholarOne Manuscripts (please have a look at the Author Support page).
Collaboration and communication are vital aspects of scholarly publishing, and ScholarOne Manuscripts facilitates effective interactions between authors, reviewers, and the editorial teams. The platform enables seamless correspondence and real-time notifications, enhancing communication efficiency and reducing response times. Authors can receive updates on their submission status, respond to reviewer comments, and engage in constructive dialogue with the editorial teams, ensuring a transparent and collaborative peer-review process.
By adopting this platform, our journal embraces technological advancements, elevates the publishing experience for authors, reviewers, and editors, and solidifies its position as a leader in the scientific community.