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Journal of Rangeland Science (JRS)

Editor-in-Chief: Ali Ashraf Jafari, PhD

Online ISSN: 2423-642X

Print ISSN: 2008-9996

Publishes Quarterly

Aims and Scope

Journal of Rangeland Science (JRS) is a international scholarly refereed research journal which aims to promote the theory and practice of rangeland science, innovation, engineering and management. A broad outline of the journals’ scope includes: peer reviewed original research articles, case and technical reports, reviews and analyses papers, short communications and notes to the editor, in interdisciplinary information on the practice and status of research in rangeland science, both natural and man made. The main aspects of research areas include, but are not exclusive to: Rangeland Ecology, Eco-physiology of Rangeland Plants, Socio-Economic Factors of Basin, Rangeland Hydrology, GIS and Rangelands, Biodiversity Conservation, Natural Resource Sustainability, Modeling and Decision Support Tools in Natural Resource, Analysis and Assessment of Rangeland, Rangeland Development and Improvement, Grass and Forage Production, Management and Utilization, Soil and Water Conservation.