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Geoconservation Research (Geoconserv. Res.)

Editor-in-Chief: Michael Benton, PhD

Online ISSN: 2588-7343

Print ISSN: 2645-4661

Publishes Biannual

Original Article Geoconservation Geoparks Paleontology
The Ediacaran-Cambrian Radiation of Animals within the Villuercas-Ibores-Jara UNESCO Global Geopark, Spain

Across the Ediacaran to Cambrian transition, some 541 Ma, the Earth’s biosphere changed from one dominated by microbial organisms to one where multicellular organisms, including animals, rose to importance. Within a few tens of millions of years into the Cambrian Period an array of animal groups appeared, some extinct and others ancestral to modern groups, […]

Original Article Geoparks Paleontology Geoconservation
Daedalus Mega-ichnosites: The Armorican Quartzite Bridge between Villuercas-Ibores-Jara and Naturtejo UNESCO Global Geoparks

The Early Paleozoic oceans were generally characterized by short trophic chains and simple ecological tiering dominated by suspension-feeding organisms. However, the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE) was responsible for the complexification of food webs, increasing depth and diversity of substrate ecospace utilization and increasing benthic competition for resources near the water-substrate interface. Daedalus is an […]

Original Article Geoconservation Geoparks Paleontology
The Armorican Quartzite: when trilobites ruled the Ordovician seas of the Villuercas-Ibores-Jara UNESCO Global Geopark, Spain

Cruziana is a common and widespread trace fossil in Lower Palaeozoic strata that is generally attributed to the activity of trilobites. The Lower to Middle Ordovician Armorican Quartzite Formation of southern Europe contains well-preserved examples of the Cruziana rugosa Group. This paper outlines how Cruziana forms an important part of the geological heritage in the […]

Original Article Geoconservation Geoparks Paleontology
Trace Fossils in Permian Rocks of English Riviera UNESCO Global Geopark

The Permian breccias, conglomerates and sandstones of the English Riviera UNESCO Global geopark were deposited in quite harsh, desert environments just north of the Permian Equator. Body fossil evidence is completely lacking but rare trace fossils provide evidence of a land-based community. There is a variety of traces present, probably indicative of the presence of […]
