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International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture (IJROWA)

Editor-in-Chief: Hossein Pourmoghadas, PhD

Online ISSN: 2251-7715

Print ISSN: 2195-3228

Publishes Quarterly

Original Article
Efects of vermicompost and plant growth enhancers on the exo‑morphological features of Capsicum annum (Linn.) Hepper

Purpose Vermicomposting is an environmentally and economically friendly process to decompose organic waste. India’s agro-industrial sector contributes huge resources of plant materials in the form of compost. In this study, 50% of vermicompost was compared with plant growth enhancers on the exo-morphological features of C. annum. A signifcant plant growth was recorded in plants treated […]

Original Article
Physico‑chemical attributes of a Cambisol under pasture managed with annual burns after sugarcane vinasse application

Purpose Sugarcane vinasse is generated in large amounts and can be utilized to improve soil attributes, especially in areas degraded by burns. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efects of sugarcane vinasse on physico-chemical attributes of a Cambisol managed via annual burns. Methods Soil samples were collected from an annually burned […]

Original Article
Recycling of biogas digestates in plant production: NPK fertilizer value and risk of leaching

Purpose The main purposes of the study were to assess the NPK fertilizer value of biogas digestates in diferent soils and to evaluate the risk of unwanted nutrient leaching. Methods The fertilizer value of digestates from anaerobic digesters was investigated in a greenhouse pot experiment with wheat in three diferent soils; silt, loam and sand. […]

Original Article
Infuence of compost supplemented with jatropha cake on soil fertility, growth, and yield of maize (zea mays L.) in a degraded soil of Ilorin, Nigeria

Purpose This study was conducted to determine the efect of compost supplemented with jatropha cake on maize (Zea mays L) yield in a degraded soil and their residual efects on soil fertility in Ilorin, Nigeria. Methods Field trials were conducted at Kwara State University Teaching and Research Farm, Malete, in 2016/2017 cropping season. The treatments […]

Original Article
Efect of abattoir waste water on metabolic and antioxidant profles of cowpea seedlings grown in crude oil contaminated soil

Purpose The pollution of agricultural land by crude oil is a wide spread phenomenon in petroleum producing countries of the world. Therefore, there is the need to fnd efective and eco-friendly means of mitigating the toxic efect of crude oil on crop plants. Methods Green house experiment was conducted with cowpea seeds planted in polybags […]

Original Article
Maximizing rice husk waste for Daucus carotaproduction

Purpose Rice husk is one of the most widely available agricultural wastes in many rice producing countries of the world. Here, we evaluated carrot production under different rice husk-amended media aimed at providing alternative use for rice husk. Methods The experimental design was 2×5×4 factorial in completely randomized design with six replications. Factor A consist […]

Original Article
Fabrication of a vermifiltration unit for wastewater recycling and performance of vermifiltered water (vermiaqua) on onion (Allium cepa)

Purpose Vemifltration units are sludge-free, noise-free and low- or no-electricity-requiring systems of operation. The aim of this study was to emphasize wastewater treatment by vermifiltration technology using waste-eater earthworms to highlight the benefits of clean and nutritive vermifiltered water (vermiaqua) uses in agriculture to the farmers. Methods Wastewater sample was filtered through fabricated vermifiltration unit […]

Original Article
Cultivation of straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) on oil palm empty fruit bunch growth medium

Purpose The research aimed to study the effects of size reduction and composting duration of empty fruit bunches (EFB) on straw mushroom production, and to examine the doses of fertilizers commonly used among farmers. Methods The experiment was done in two stages. The first stage was for identifying the optimum physical parameters of EFB, and […]

Food waste in animal feed with a focus on use for broilers

Purpose Although the world’s food production is approximately 3.99 billion metric tons, one in nine people remain malnourished. In combination with the projected world population of nine billion by 2050, further malnourishment of both humans and animals may occur; therefore, understanding of the current status of food waste and reuse is important.Methods An extensive literature […]

Original Article
Bio‑digestion and post‑treatment of effluents by bio‑fermentation, an opportunity for energy uses and generation of organic fertilizers from bovine manure

Purpose Bio-fermentation has been routed as a viable alternative for the treatment of organic waste, which can provide renewable energy and can return nutrients to the soil with its byproducts. In this context, the objectives of the research were to analyze the benefits that a plastic plug-flow bio-digester can provide for treatment of bovine manure; […]