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International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture (IJROWA)

Editor-in-Chief: Hossein Pourmoghadas, PhD

Online ISSN: 2251-7715

Print ISSN: 2195-3228

Publishes Quarterly

Original Article
Effect of the composting process on physicochemical properties and concentration of heavy metals in market waste with additive materials in the Ga West Municipality, Ghana

Purpose The main objective of this study was to assess the physiochemical properties and phytotoxicity of compost made from different organic waste materials sourced from local markets. Methods The Stack pile composting was carried out with market waste, sawdust, rice straw, and swine manure in four different combinations. Parameters such as temperature, pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, […]

Original Article
Physico‑chemical, microbial and phytotoxicity evaluation of composts from sorghum, finger millet and soybean straws

Purpose Composting is an environmentally sustainable alternative for bioconversion of agricultural residues into a nutrient rich product that can enhance soil fertility/microbial diversity and thereby improve agricultural productivity. The goal of the current study was to evaluate the decomposition pattern of the agro-residues and assess the maturity and phytotoxicity of the composts obtained using physico-chemical, […]

Original Article
Change of soil quality based on humic acid with date palm compost incorporation

Purpose The most important factor affecting soil quality is soil humic fraction. Effects of adding carbon in soil humic compounds in arid environments have only been slightly investigated. The change in soil humic acids’ structures in relation with manure and palm compost application and the evolution of humic acids’ structures during palm composting have not […]

Original Article
Reuse of peanut shells and Azolla mixes as a peat alternative in growth medium of Diefenbachia amoena ‘tropic snow’

Purpose An experiment was designed to introduce a substitute for peat, which is used in the production of bedding for the cultivation of ornamental plants and is imported and expensive. For this reason, the usability of peanut shells and Azolla, whose accumulation in the environment causes environmental problems, is a major research question. Methods In […]

Original Article
Assessment of composted kitchen waste and poultry manure amendments on growth, yield and heavy metal uptake by Jute mallow Corchorus olitorius Linn.

Purpose This study was carried out to compare the effects of composted kitchen waste (KW) and poultry manure (PM) soil amendments on growth, yield and heavy metal uptake in edible leaf of Corchorus olitorius. Methods Kitchen waste and PM composted for 8 weeks were applied as soil amendment at the rate of 0 (no amendment), 5, […]

Original Article
Spectral characterization and quality assessment of organic compost for agricultural purposes

Purpose The study presents the physico-chemical, heavy metal and spectral characterization of aerobic compost to assess the suitability of its use for different purposes generated from two different municipal solid waste dumpsites located in the cities of Solan and Mandi in Himachal Pradesh. Methods The spectral characteristics of the compost material were determined using Scanning […]

Original Article
Compost from the food waste for organic production of cabbage, cauliflower, and radish under sub-tropical conditions

Purpose In the current scenario, food wastage is a significant concern throughout the world. This food wastage may convert to compost, and that compost may apply in the agriculture field for the better yield of crops. In this context, a field study conducted on the effects of compost prepared from food wastage on the yield […]

Original Article
Phytotoxicity of sewage sludge from selected wastewater treatment plants – new opportunities in sewage sludge treatment

Purpose The research was focused on evaluating phytotoxicity of sewage sludge from two selected wastewater treatment plants in Czech Republic. Methods Laboratory experiments were carried out with samples of sewage sludge, which were focused on the evaluation of their phytotoxicity by using the PhytotoxkitTM testing set. Specifically, the inhibitory/stimulating effect was established on the growth […]

Original Article
The influence of compost humic acid quality and its ability to alleviate soil salinity stress

Purpose Soil salinization is one of the most severe abiotic stresses which threaten sustainable agriculture in arid and semi-arid regions including Morocco. The application of organic amendments like composts to saline soils has been confirmed to alleviate soil salinity stress. The present work aims to study the effect of humic acids (HA), as one of […]

Original Article
Efficiency of compost and vermicompost in supporting the growth and chemical constituents of Salvia officinalis L. Cultivated in Sand Soil

Purpose The effect of using compost and vermicompost or their teas on the growth and biochemical profile of Salvia officinalis cultivated in sand soil were assessed. Methods Plants were subjected to different treatments of compost, vermicompost and their teas. The growth of common sage, Salvia officinalis was monitored as shoot fresh and dry weights (g/plant) and […]