Impact of decomposing sawdust as an inoculum for promoting the composting of sawdust and chicken manure
- Muinat Olanike Kazeem * 1
- Taiwo Ayodeji Sorunke 2
- Amina Ahmed- El-Imam 1
- Mohd Huzairi Mohd Zainudin 3
Purpose: Composting process can be accelerated by seeding microbial consortium into compost of plant residues and livestock manure mixture. The consortium could also be sourced from decomposing sawdust due to extensive microbial activity. This study investigated the effect of decomposing sawdust as an inoculant on the microbial and physicochemical properties of sawdust-chicken manure compost.
Method: Decomposing sawdust collected at a depth of 0.6–1.2 m and a temperature between 40–48 °C was seeded into a sawdust-chicken manure mixture. The composting formulations used were, fresh sawdust + chicken manure (FSCM), fresh sawdust + decomposing sawdust (FSDS), and fresh sawdust + chicken manure + decomposing sawdust (FSCMDS).The composting process involved the use of pyramid piles (1.98 m x 1.89 m x 0.68 m). Physicochemical and microbial enzyme profiling, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and plant bioassays were carried out.
Results: The compost formulations without inoculant exhibited higher microbial and enzyme activities throughout the composting process (lasting 37 days). High temperatures (45-59 °C) eliminates coliform bacteria after day 10, while thermophilic bacteria increased, with mesophilic bacteria dominating from the 25th day until maturation. The C/N ratio decreased to 12.62 and 15.04 in FSCM and FSCMDS, respectively, with reduced lignocellulosic composition and increased nutrients. The SEM analysis indicated disintegration of the feedstock while the FTIR spectra showed improvement in the aromatic content.
Conclusion: Overall, the FSCM formulation had the greatest effect on compost qualities and Phaseolus vulgaris development. FSDS did not promote the composting process. Thus, composting sawdust and chicken manure alone was sufficient to achieve a desirable C/N ratio, nutrient level, efficient degradation, microbial population, compost sanitization and growth of Phaseolus vulgaris.
- Decomposing sawdust (DS) as an inoculant for fresh sawdust (FS) and chicken manure (CM) composting.
- The addition of inoculant influenced FS and CM composting process and compost quality.
- Biological and enzymatic activity of composting with inoculant influenced compost maturity.
- FS and CM composting improved compost nutrients and Phaseolus vulgaris development.
Graphical Abstract
- Compost
- Scanning electron microscopy
- Plant bioassay
- Enzyme profiling
- Physicochemical
- Biological activity
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