Journal DOI: 10.57647/IJROWA
Journal Abbreviation: Int. J. Recycl. Org. Waste Agricult.
Journal Title Acronym: IJROWA
Owner: Islamic Azad University
The IJROWA Journal has been indexed in the well-known world databases mainly; Scopus (CiteScore (2023) = 2.1), Scimago Journal Rank (Q2), Web of Science Journal Impact Factor (JCR): 2023, IF = 1.2.
All submitted manuscripts are checked for similarity through a trustworthy software such as iThenticate to be assured about its originality and then rigorously peer-reviewed by the international reviewers.
IJROWA Journal is fully supported by the Islamic Azad University–Isfahan Branch, who provide funds to cover all costs of publication, including the Article Processing Charges (APC’s) for all authors. Therefore the journal is both free to read and free to publish.
The journal publishes high-quality review paper, in all areas of recycling of organic waste including:
- Solid waste reuse in agriculture
- Waste water reuse in agriculture
- Utilization of organic wastes: composting
- Ways to reduce, reuse and recycle organic waste
- Social and economic impact of reduction, reuse and recycling of organic waste in agriculture
- Methods to raise the public awareness of recycling and reuse of organic waste in agriculture
- Organic waste utilization in animal and poultry nutrition
- Urban food waste composting
- Agricultural crop residues for wastewater treatment
The IJROWA highlights research that supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). From boosting soil fertility with organic waste (SDG 2: Zero Hunger) to cutting waste in agriculture (SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production), we showcase innovations that drive sustainability in food systems and the environment.
Website: https://oiccpress.com/ijrowa
Journal Statistics
2023 Journal Impact Factor (JCR)2.1
Scopus CiteScore (2023)Q2
SJR 2022 Quartile0.619
SNIP 202315181
Google total Citations64
Google Scholar h-index336
Google Scholar i10-index4
Issues Per Year14
No. of Volumes47
No. of Issues501
No. of Articles160,076
Article View101,194
PDF Download3-6
Time to Accept (Month)25%
Acceptance RateCurrent Issue
Vol 14, No 1 (2025)
Table of Contents
Original Articles