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International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture (IJROWA)

Editor-in-Chief: Hossein Pourmoghadas, PhD

Online ISSN: 2251-7715

Print ISSN: 2195-3228

Publishes Quarterly

Original Article
Investigating the comparative effects of abattoir waste (ThalloTM) organomineral ferti-lizer and inorganic NPK fertilizer on wheat grain and ryegrass yields and their nutrient uptakes

Purpose: The study examines the efficacy of using recycled abattoir waste fertilizer as a sustainable nutrient input for crop Production. Method: Two pot experiments were set up in a controlled environment room to examine biomass yields of ryegrass (Lolium perenne AberMagic), grain yields of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum KWS Cochise), and their micro and macronutrient […]
