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Review Article

Sumaco Volcano (Ecuador): Integral Approach to its Geotourism Potential



Sumaco is the easternmost active volcano in Ecuador, and is in the sub-Andean zone, towards the northwest of the country, and located in the Pleistocene Napo Uplift. Together, the tectonic setting of the eastern Andes and Amazonian plain is the main regional feature determining high ecological, landscape, geological and biological diversity. In addition, indigenous cultures of the Amazon have acquired a special status associated with their ancient and contemporary history, transforming it into a mystical element for locals and visitors. These natural and cultural conditions are the perfect framework for adventure tourism and geotourism activities. Community tourism is one of the main economic livelihoods of the Pacto Sumaco community, which has managed to interact with various local and national actors through its Community Tourism Center, creating strategies for sustainable use, conservation, control, monitoring and maintenance of the core area of the Sumaco Biosphere Reserve, being considered an ideal example that demonstrates good practices of local-based tourism. This article discusses holistically the main criteria that have made it possible to strengthen geotourism activities in the Sumaco volcano: geodiversity, biodiversity, ecosystem services, cultural and historical heritage and community participation, as well as key institutional elements, and infrastructures for management and tourism development.

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