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Geoconservation and Geotourism on Fossil Forest of the Aragoncillo Range, Molina-Alto Tajo UNESCO Global Geopark (central Spain)



The Fossil Forest of the Aragoncillo Range is one of several paleontological sites of exceptional scientific value in the Sierra de Selas (Province of Guadalajara, central Spain). This shows an accumulation of silicified tree trunks along with well-preserved macro- and microflora of lower Permian age. This ancient forest, dominated by tree ferns and conifers, was destroyed by volcanic eruptions that took place in many continental areas at this time. This site is in the Molina-Alto Tajo UNESCO Global Geopark, but it is highly vulnerable and has suffered continued impact from plundering. The lack of implementation of legislation that guarantees its conservation does not allow interested visitors to enjoy the site and understand the characteristics of life and climate of such a unique ecosystem from this time in Earth history.

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Main Subjects


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