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Geoconservation Research (Geoconserv. Res.)

Editor-in-Chief: Michael Benton, PhD

Online ISSN: 2588-7343

Print ISSN: 2645-4661

Publishes Biannual

Original Article Geoparks Paleontology Geoconservation
The Checa Silurian Section, an Outstanding Fossil Site in the Molina-Alto Tajo UNESCO Global Geopark, Spain

The Paleozoic succession in the Nevera inlier of the Molina-Alto Tajo UNESCO Global Geopark (Western Iberian Cordillera, NE Spain) includes an incomplete, richly fossiliferous Silurian succession, ca. 350‒400 m thick, at the locality of Checa, one of the geosites of international interest in the Paleozoic of Spain. The Checa section starts with quartzites (Los Puertos […]
