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Investigation of electromagnetic soliton in the Cairns–Tsallis model for plasma



AbstractThe nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS) that describes the propagation of high intensity laser pulse through plasma is obtained by employing the multiple scales technique. One of the arresting solution for NLS equation is soliton like envelope for vector potential that is called electromagnetic soliton. The type and amplitude of electromagnetic soliton (EM) depends on the distribution function of plasma’s particles. In this paper, distribution function of electrons obey the Cairns–Tsallis model and ions are assumed as stationary background. There are two flexible parameters, affect on the formation of EM soliton. By variation of nonextensive and nonthermal parameters, bright soliton could convert to dark one or versus. Due to positive kinetic energy, there are the limited region for nonextensive and nonthermal parameters as q > 0.6 and 0
