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Original Article

Systemic Management of Mountainous Rangeland Ecosystem, Case Study: The Javaherdeh Rangeland of Ramsar



Mountainous rangeland ecosystems have a highly delicate position in ecologic area
because of severe environmental conditions and having wildlife and livestock. Knowing and
realizing the biotic and abiotic components, which have an interaction with each other in this
ecosystem, perform the most important role in to desirable management of it. The systematic
management is one of the managing features such as modern approach for land management
and suitable use of upland ecosystems. To reach that, mountainous rangelands of Javaherdeh
(Ramsar) via 1:25,000 scale map were selected. Density, rangeland conditions, vegetation
cover, gravel and grit were determined by Superficial and modified six-factor methods, Arc
GIS v.9.3 software was employed to achieve land form map which was obtained by the
combination of altitude, slope, and slope aspect maps. First, basic and first environmental unit
maps were changed with land form map into soil type map, and first basic map into
vegetation type map. The proposal map of systematic management of area was associated
with final environmental unit map into landuse map via their attribute table. The established
proposal map shows accurate position of different future land uses on the basis of current
ecological capabilities of areas. Around Javaherdeh village is suitable for extensive outdoor
recreation (7.59%) and appropriate for the grazing of livestock (62.22%). Some areas
(20.07%) also should be protected because of landslides and debris formation.
