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Original Article

Influence of GIDI organic fertilizer on the yield of corn



Purpose: GIDI organic fertilizer or water hyacinth is an aquatic plant, an excellent depollutant, and is helpful for food production as compost and regeneration of degraded soil. Maintaining its fertility and maintaining the ecological balance of the environment. The study aimed to evaluate the influence of different rates of GIDI organic fertilizer on the yield response of corn under Rebuken, Sultan Kudarat, and Maguindanao conditions from October 2017 to January 2018.

Method: Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used in this study, with five treatments that were replicated three times. The treatments used were as follows: T1- Control or no application of fertilizer, T2-1,000 kg/ha of GIDI, T3- 2,000 kg/ha GIDI, T4- 3,000 kg/ha of GIDI, and T5- complete and recommended fertilizer in the locale.

Results: Based on the findings, the application of different rates of GIDI organic fertilizer significantly influenced the plant height, ear diameter, ear length, thousand seed weight, and grain yield of corn except for ear height in centimeters. Moreover, treatments applied with higher rates of GIDI organic fertilizer obtained the tallest plant height, heaviest seed weight, and grain yield.

Conclusion: Results attributed that the GIDI organic fertilizer gives nourishment to plants, enhanced with beneficial microbes capable of supplying complete nutrients needed by the corn plants making the soil fertile and yield better. The GIDI organic fertilizer is an environment-friendly, aquatic plant numerously growing in Liguasan Marsh, Rio Grande de Mindanao, Philippines.



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