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Original Article

Enhancement the feeding value of rice straw as animal fodder through microbial inoculants and physical treatments



Purpose Improving the nutritional value of rice straw by microbial inoculants and some physical treatments for animal feeding during dry seasons. Methods Diferent microbial inoculants and some physical treatments were used to improve the nutritional value of rice straw. Rice straw was divided into moist straw, soaked straw for 24 h without pasteurization and soaked for 24 h and pasteurized at 100 °C/1 h, and all of them were inoculated with diferent microbial inoculants. Results Moistened rice straw inoculated with Azotobacter chroococcum and Saccharomyces cerevisiae recorded the highest signifcant reduction in organic matter percent, 74.21%. The highest signifcant reductions in crude fber, neutral detergent fber, and acid detergent fber percent were recorded in moistened rice straw inoculated with Azospirillum brasilense and Saccharomyces cerevisiae which gave 27.54, 55.39 and 42.47%, respectively. The highest signifcant increase in crude protein percent, 13.71%, was recorded in rice straw soaked for 24 h and inoculated with Azospirillum brasilense and Bacillus megaterium. The combined interaction between microbial treatments and physical pretreatments of rice straw gave a signifcant decrease in organic matter, crude fber, neutral detergent fber and acid detergent fber %, as well as a signifcant increase in crude protein % compared to control. Addition of nitrogen fxers to rice straw improved its nitrogen contents. Conclusions This study showed the possibility of improving the nutritional value of rice straw using microbial inoculants and some physical treatments to produce safe and cheap animal feeds
