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Keyword: Geoscience education

Original Article Geoeducation Geopark
Educational Materials on Geosciences: Analysis from UNESCO Global Geoparks and Potential for Application to Protected Areas

Faced with the increase of human activities that permanently alter nature, it is more and more necessary to educate people about the importance of protecting nature, including both the biotic and abiotic aspects. In this context, UNESCO Global Geoparks (UGGp) are reference territories to educate people about geodiversity and geoconservation in different environments. On the […]

Original Article Geoconservation Geoparks Paleontology
Trace Fossils in Permian Rocks of English Riviera UNESCO Global Geopark

The Permian breccias, conglomerates and sandstones of the English Riviera UNESCO Global geopark were deposited in quite harsh, desert environments just north of the Permian Equator. Body fossil evidence is completely lacking but rare trace fossils provide evidence of a land-based community. There is a variety of traces present, probably indicative of the presence of […]
