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A Cave Occupied by Cave Bears for Thousands of Years in the Sobrarbe-Pirineos UNESCO Global Geopark (Huesca, Aragon, Spain)



The Sobrarbe-Pirineos UNESCO Global Geopark shows an extremely well-developed underground karst relief as a result of the great abundance and thickness of its limestone formations. The most important Pleistocene vertebrate site within the Geopark is Coro Tracito Cave at Tella. The fossil association is made up exclusively of bones belonging to Ursus spelaeus from the upper Pleistocene, accumulated over several thousand years. Based on scientific analysis of the fossil bones, an interesting public outreach project has been organized, involving the refurbishment of the site within the cave and the creation of a permanent exhibition called the Tella Cave Bear Museum. These two infrastructures are visited by thousands of tourists each year and constitute the main geoscientific tourist attraction of the Sobrarbe-Pirineos Geopark.

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