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Original Article

Image Segmentation Based on World Cup Optimization Algorithm



Image segmentation has been widely used in different applications of the image processing. It The main objective of image segmentation is to subdivide the input images to their main components. Generally, the main purpose of the segmentation is to simplify or change an image representation into something that is more meaningful and easier to analyze. In this paper, World Cup Optimization Algorithm (WCO) is proposed to classify the main components of an image (pixels) into different groups. In the experiment, the proposed method performance is measured by comparing with Otsu as a classic method and GA based and APSO based image segmentation algorithms as the heuristic based algorithms for segmentation. When compared with the other segmentation methods, the proposed WCO based method achieved good performance. The final efficiency of the proposed system is compared with the described methods. Experimental results show that the proposed method has overcome the others in the performance.
