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Original Article

DSRank: A New Hyper-Linked Based Method to Rank Datasets in LOD Cloud



With an increase of available datasets in web of data, ranking the datasets will be of prime importance. In this article, the famous PageRank algorithm is extended and a new link-based method is proposed for ranking the datasets in web of data.  In this method, the number of links to the dataset, the type of the links, and the number of each type of the links have been considered and a new hyper-linked based approach name as DSRank is proposed. The suggested algorithm has been implemented on datasets collected from the web amounting to 20 GB. All of the datasets is arranged using suggested method. For evaluation, the access log files of Dbpedia, DBTune, and Dog Food is used. Number  of  requests by users in one day for these datasets is calculated and then datasets are organized based on user’s opinion. The results of comparing our suggested algorithm with the number of the requests by the users in a day indicate that the order of  the assigned ranks in the dataset using the proposed method is correct.
