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Original Article

Digital Monitoring and Tracking System with IoT Technology for Elderly Patients



This study aimed to design a system utilizing an ESP8266 microcontroller, GPS, and MPU6050 sensors to observe and record the movement patterns of elderly patients. A scale prototype was developed by integrating an MPU6050 IMU sensor and a GPS module with an ESP8266 module configured for Wi-Fi communication with a nearby server. Data were collected and evaluated by sensors positioned on test subjects to imitate the movements of elderly patients. Upon successful real-time tracking of the test subject’s movements, the data was transmitted to the network using Blynk and email applications for analysis and subsequent display. The collected data yielded valuable insights into the patient’s conduct, encompassing frequent walking, pacing, and wandering. The utilization of this device has the potential to improve the safety and well-being of elderly patients and provide valuable data to healthcare professionals and caregivers through its real-time tracking capabilities.
