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Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering

Editor-in-Chief: Farbod Razzazi, PhD

Online ISSN: 2345-3796

Print ISSN: 2345-377X

Publishes Quarterly

Original Article
FAHPBEP: A Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process Framework in Text Classification

With the availability of websites and the growth of comments, reviews of user-generated content published on the Internet. Sentiment Classification is one of the most common problems in text mining, which applies to categorize reviews into positive and negative classes. Pre-processing has an important role when these textual contexts employed by machine learning techniques. Without […]

Original Article
Improving lifetime of WSN using modified Moth Flame Optimization

The focus is on the longevity and energy efficiency of wireless sensor networks (WSN). WSNs face many obstacles in terms of data transmission. WSNs face difficulties in reducing energy output and shortening life cycles, including node configuration, leader selection, and optimal routing selection. The provisioning of nodes, selection of cluster leaders, and optimal paths have […]