International Journal of Political Sciences is an open-access, peer-refereed journal providing a platform for the publication of scientific articles in the areas of sociological and political researches. It is published quarterly (four issues per year) by Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch (Faculty of Law and Political Science).
Journal DOI: 10.57647/ijps
Journal Abbreviation: Int. J. Polit. Sci.
Journal Title Acronym: IJPS
Journal Owner: Islamic Azad University
Director-in-Charge: Garineh Keshishyan Siraki, PhD 0000-0001-8645-7295
Editor-in-chief: Arsalan Ghorbani Sheikhneshin 0000-0002-4005-1684
Journal Statistics
Number of Volumes45
Number of Issues315
Published Articles480
Number of Authors54197
Article Views13677
Article DownloadsCurrent Issue
Vol 13, No 4 (2023)