Guide for Authors

Before making a submission we encourage all authors to read the MJEE Publication Ethics, and MJEE Copyright and Licensing.

In order to submit a paper to MJEE, these steps are to be followed:

1. The manuscript must be prepared using the MJEE MSWord template which can be downloaded from the below link.

– Download Template for Microsoft Word 2010/2013.

Manuscripts not prepared based on the above template will be sent back to the corresponding author for correction. This will cause a delay in the manuscript process time frame.

2. The submissions are to be made via

3.  During the submission process, the requested data must be fully inserted. Specifically, information of all authors including their full names (first names must be fully spelled out), email addresses, affiliations, and country must be provided. The ORCID ID for the corresponding author would also be required. The order of authors must match the one in the paper.

We specifically welcome papers resulting from international cooperation and having authors from various countries. Papers that do not provide all authors’ names and data in the process of submission will be sent back for correction.

The corresponding author is expected to upload below files:

a) The PDF format of the manuscript.

b) The MSWORD version of the manuscript (Latex documents are not accepted). MJEE does not publish biographies.

c) A graphical abstract that must be a JPEG file. A graphical abstract is a single image designed to help the reader quickly gain an overview of a paper and to quickly ascertain the purpose and results of a given research. It simply could be the most important figure in the manuscript.

d) MJEE Copyright Form.

e) MJEE Conflict of Interest Statment.

4. The corresponding author must agree with the following:

  • MJEE copyright and licensing terms.
  • He/she confirms that all authors have done their best to abide by MJEE publication ethics.
  • He/she understands that MJEE uses professional plagiarism checker tools such as iThenticate, and Turnitin to check the submitted paper and that papers with more than 20% similarity will be rejected immediately.
  • On behalf of all authors, he/she certifies that the authors have NO affiliations with or involvement in any organization or entity with any financial interest or non-financial interest in the subject matter or materials discussed in this manuscript.
  • On behalf of all authors, he/she must confirm that all conflicts of interest (if any) are uploaded in a separate document together with the submission.

5. Page Limits: the MJEE imposes page limits based on the type of paper, as follows:

a) Research Papers: 4–16 pages

b) Review Papers: 10–24 pages

c) Tutorials: 15–32 pages

  • Submissions that do not comply with these limits will be returned to the authors immediately.

6. The paper must not have more than 20% similarity. The authors are encouraged to check their paper with iThenticate or Turnitin tools since it will speed up the evaluation process.

7. MJEE does not publish more than a paper from a person in an issue.

8. We do our best to process the submitted papers and provide the first reply within three months.

9. Authors of a rejected paper can again make a submission that includes answers to all reviewers’ comments as well as the editor’s comments. However, MJEE reserves the right to send the manuscript to other reviewers rather than the previous ones.

10. Do not send your paper by email. If you face difficulty in online paper submission, please feel free to contact us at [email protected]

11. MJEE in Google Scholar: