
A parametric study on coherent wake emission generation based on relativistic laser plasma interaction

  1. Photonics Department, Sciences and Modern Technologies Faculty, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran
  2. Laser Research Department, Institute of Science and High Technology and Environmental Science, Graduate University of Advanced Technology, Kerman, Iran
A parametric study on coherent wake emission generation based on relativistic laser plasma interaction

Received: 2024-09-10

Revised: 2024-11-05

Accepted: 2024-11-23

Published 2024-12-30

How to Cite

Rostami Ravari MN, Ganjovi A. A parametric study on coherent wake emission generation based on relativistic laser plasma interaction. J Theor Appl phys. 2024 Dec. 30;18(6):1-12. Available from: https://oiccpress.com/jtap/article/view/8438

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In this work, a 2D Particle-In-Cell-Monte Carlo Collision (PIC-MCC) simulation scheme is used to study the generation of Coherent Wake Emission (CWE) in the process of attosecond pulse generation based on relativistic laser-plasma interactions. This study uniquely contributes to the field by systematically examining the effects of laser pulse intensity, duration, wavelength, and beam waist which are known as the key operating parameters of incident laser for CWE generation in the process of laser-plasma interactions. The specific conditions that maximize the generated CWE fields are identified to confirm the parameter interactions and threshold values that are critical for efficient CWE generation. It is shown that, under optimal conditions, the CWE field magnitude is maximized at a laser intensity of 3×1019W/cm2, with further enhancement at a pulse duration of 10-13s and a beam waist size of 5×10-5m. Additionally, both CWE electric and magnetic fields reach peak values at a wavelength of 10-5m. Besides, the threshold values for CWE electric and magnetic fields in the relativistic region were identified at laser intensities of 1016W/cm2 and 1012W/cm2, respectively, which are achieved with beam waists of 1.5×10-7m and pulse durations of 5×10-16s. Furthermore, results are compared with existing findings in the literature.


  • Attosecond Pulse Generation,
  • Coherent Wake Emission,
  • PIC-MCC Simulation Scheme


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