About the Journal

JTAP has been published quarterly since 2005 but became a bimonthly journal in mid-2023, with no article processing charges (APCs) for regular articles.

From 2013 to 2020, JTAP was published by Springer Nature and by Islamic Azad University between 2020 and 2022 and it has published by Islamic Azad University (IAU) since December 2022. Since December 2022, the JTAP is published as an online electronic format by OICC Press and IAU.

Our focus in JTAP is on the rapid publication of new and notable experimental and theoretical papers. This journal covers physics applications in all science, engineering, and modern technology disciplines. Three kinds of papers identified as “letters”, “research papers”, and “review papers” may be published in JTAP.

The priority of JTAP is to publish the needs of scientific society rather than its commercial interests. Physicists manage this journal to serve the physics family from all over the world. The JTAP covers the full range of applied and fundamental physics research topics.

All manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics (JTAP) undergo a single-blind review process. This ensures the quality of their research methodology, reasoning and report writing. This journal is indexed in Scopus and Google Scholar.