
Effect of facilitators on enhancement of seed germination, seedling growth and establishment in some plant species

  1. Rangeland Science, Department of Natural Resources, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Iran
  2. Department of Natural Resources, Water Management Research Center, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran
  3. Watershed Management Science and Engineering, Gorgan University of Agricultural Science and Natural Resources, Gorgan, Iran
Effect of facilitators on enhancement of seed germination, seedling growth and establishment in some plant species

Received: 2023-03-29

Revised: 2024-05-20

Accepted: 2024-06-04

Published 2025-01-20

How to Cite

Rokhforoz, P., Ghorbani, A., Abbasi Khalaki, M., Moameri, M., Gharemahmoodli, S., & Hazbavi, Z. (2025). Effect of facilitators on enhancement of seed germination, seedling growth and establishment in some plant species. Journal of Rangeland Science, 15(1), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.57647/j.jrs.2025.1501.08

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Improper Seed Germination (SG) of plants is an undesirable factor in agriculture, pasture and rangeland restoration operations. Therefore, researchers are trying to examine different techniques to facilitate germination and improve seedling establishment. Facilitators play an important role in managing and improving growth processes, through accelerating SG. In this regard, the key aim of this study is to review different types of facilitators and their effects on the germination, growth, and establishment of plants. Results showed that: firstly, the most used method by various facilitators was seed pretreatment and secondly, most of the germination tests for nanoparticles have been done in laboratory environments. It is necessary to examine these facilitators in the field and natural environments to determine their real efficiency and effectiveness. Thirdly, it seems that the use of effective microorganisms is much more cost-effective than nanoparticles due to the ease of use in large areas, cheaper price and higher efficiency. The general positive effects of facilitators include improving environmental stress resistance, plant growth, surface coverage, root depth, root length, the fresh and dry weight of root, SG, crop quality, and yield. Their adverse effects also differ depending on the various characteristics of both facilitators and plants.


  • Germination,
  • Facilitator,
  • Nanoparticles,
  • Microorganisms


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