
Assessment of the Relationship between Onobrychis Species through Morphological and Molecular Perspectives

  1. Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
  2. Department of Environment and sustainable agriculture, Research and Technology Institute of Plant Production (RTIPP), Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
Assessment of the Relationship between Onobrychis Species through Morphological and Molecular Perspectives

Received: 2023-01-04

Revised: 2024-04-01

Accepted: 2024-04-15

Published 2025-01-20

How to Cite

Zarrabian, M., Ehtemam, M. H., Majidi, M. M., & Nikbakht Dehkordi, A. (2025). Assessment of the Relationship between Onobrychis Species through Morphological and Molecular Perspectives. Journal of Rangeland Science, 15(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.57647/j.jrs.2025.1501.07

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The genus Onobrychis, a prominent member of the Fabaceae family, holds pivotal agricultural significance in Iran, particularly in pastures and croplands. This study, conducted in 2020, undertook a comprehensive re-evaluation of the phylogeny of Onobrychis. Our approach encompassed an examination of seed and fruit macro- and micro-morphological traits, coupled with the utilization of ISSR molecular markers. The investigation revealed notable diversity in both seed and fruit morphological traits. Notably, we identified a novel fruit type, the "O. crista-galli type," in addition to the three established fruit types (O. radiata, O. beata, and O. ornata). Moreover, molecular analyses, employing a set of 22 ISSR primers, demonstrated robust efficiency in genetically discriminating among the various species. Contrasting traditional taxonomic classifications, our Maximum Likelihood phylogenetic tree analysis validated the subgenus classification (Onobrychis and Sisyrosema). Intriguingly, it diverged from conventional wisdom in the sections of the Onobrychis subgenus (Lophobrychis and Onobrychis), challenging their monophyletic nature. This discrepancy suggests that these sections might not be cohesive, particularly highlighting the non-monophyly of the Lophobrychis section. This insight prompts consideration of reclassifying Lophobrychis as a heterogeneous unit, potentially integrated into the Onobrychis section. In summary, this study provides a nuanced exploration of the phylogeny of the Onobrychis genus, employing a dual morphological and molecular perspective. The findings challenge traditional taxonomic assumptions, opening avenues for a refined understanding of the evolutionary relationships within Onobrychis and offering insights that could influence future taxonomic classifications.


  • Phylogeny,
  • Seed type,
  • Species,
  • Seed coat,
  • SEM study


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