Journal of Rangeland Science (JRS) has published original, peer-reviewed and technical rangeland articles since the autumn of 2010 to serve rangeland science, engineering and management by publishing timely and reliable information.
Journal DOI: 10.57647/jrs
Journal Abbreviation: J. Rangeland Sci.
Journal Title Acronym: JRS
Journal Owner: Islamic Azad University
Director-in-Charge: Ali Ariapour, PhD 0000-0001-6783-0680
Editor-in-chief: Ali Ashraf Jafari, PhD 0000-0001-9917-6986
JRS is an integral partner with the scientific and technical communities, delivering superior information products and services that foster communication. It builds insights and enables individual and collective advancement in rangeland research. To provide rangeland scientific information and the general public with descriptions of timely, contemporary advances in rangeland issues for improving rangeland protection, JRS tries to conserve natural resources.
Scopus: CiteScoreTracker 2022=1.1 (Q3)
Scopus: SJR 2022= 0.276
Journal Statistics
Current Issue
Vol 15, No 1 (2025): In Progress
Table of Contents
Original Article