@article{Study of sintering temperature on the structure of silicon carbide membrane_2023, volume={8}, url={https://oiccpress.com/journal-of-theoretical-and-applied-physics/article/study-of-sintering-temperature-on-the-structure-of-silicon-carbide-membrane/}, DOI={10.1007/s40094-014-0145-5}, abstractNote={Abstract Study of the microstructure of silicon carbide (SiC) membrane as a function of sintering temperature and the percentage amount of additive kaolin is the outcome of the experimental fabrications presented in this paper. The SEM micrographs are used to investigate the impact of above parameters on the porosity of membrane. The experimental results show that the rise in the temperature causes more sintering of powder particles, growing granules, augmentation of the number of pores and consequently increasing the total porosity of membrane. Using XRD analyses, it is found that SiC amorphous phase is highly sensitive to the temperature and its crystallization physically grows with temperature increase.}, number={4}, journal={Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics}, publisher={OICC Press}, year={2023}, month={Nov.}, keywords={Additive kaolin, Ceramic membrane, Granules and porosity, Sintering temperature} }