@article{Cea_2023, title={On the soft emission mechanism in X-ray pulsars}, volume={13}, url={https://oiccpress.com/journal-of-theoretical-and-applied-physics/article/on-the-soft-emission-mechanism-in-x-ray-pulsars/}, DOI={10.1007/s40094-019-0322-7}, abstractNote={AbstractWe propose a mechanism responsible for the soft emission in X-ray pulsars. We discuss the origin of the soft emission for isolated X-ray pulsars as well as for soft gamma-ray repeaters and anomalous X-ray pulsars. We also offer an explanation for the spectral features detected in the isolated X-ray pulsar 1E 1207.4-5209.}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics}, publisher={OICC Press}, author={Cea, Paolo}, year={2023}, month={Nov.}, keywords={Pulsars general, Radiation mechanisms general, Radiation mechanisms non, Thermal} }