@article{Ahmed_Kayum_Choudhury_Hassan_2023, title={Deflection of null and time-like geodesics in topological defects space-time geometry}, url={https://oiccpress.com/journal-of-theoretical-and-applied-physics/article/deflection-of-null-and-time-like-geodesics-in-topological-defects-space-time-geometry/}, DOI={10.57647/J.JTAP.2024.1801.12}, abstractNote={In this research, we investigate the bending of photon light and/or time-like geodesics within the context of four-dimensional space-time geometry, specifically in the presence of topological defects. These topological defects manifest as cosmic string space-time configurations, encompassing screw dislocation, spiral dislocation, and spacelike dislocation. Our primary objective is to determine the extent of deflection experienced by light-like and time-like geodesics and analyze how this deflection is affected by the cosmic string parameter, screw dislocation parameter, and spacelike dislocation parameter. To accomplish this, we employ a derivation technique that centers on the observation that photon rays (light-like geodesics) and/or time-like geodesics follow paths parallel to the z-axis while maintaining a constant radius along the cylinder.}, journal={Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics}, publisher={OICC Press}, author={Ahmed, Faizuddin and Kayum, Abdul and Choudhury, Monjur Alom and Hassan, Mahmudul}, year={2023}, month={Dec.}, keywords={Topological defects, Geodesics motion, Gravitational lensing} }