@article{Hamodi_Fyath_Hamidi_2023, title={Spatial self-phase modulation in plasmon excited Graphene/WS2 heterostructure}, volume={18}, url={https://oiccpress.com/journal-of-theoretical-and-applied-physics/article/spatial-self-phase-modulation-in-plasmon-excited-graphene-ws2-heterostructure/}, DOI={10.57647/j.jtap.2024.1801.01}, abstractNote={In this work a spatial phase modulation and four-wave mixing in Graphene/ tungsten disulfide (WS2) heterostructure have been demonstrated, which is excited by plasmons of nano-plasmonic donate shape rings. For this purpose, a laser writing system was used to fabricate nanohole arrays and cover them with the plasmonic gold thin film via a sputtering machine and WS2 and Graphene heterostructure by chemical vapor deposition method. After evaluating the plasmon excitation in this system by the ellipsometric method, the probe laser excitation was set to 980 nm to record spatial phase modulation, and also, four-wave mixing was used. Our results show spatial self-phase modulation (SSPM) and temperature enhancement due to the nonlinear enhancement of two-dimensional structure by heterostructure substances suitable for new-generation optical devices.}, number={1}, journal={Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics}, publisher={OICC Press}, author={Hamodi, Hayder Maki and Fyath, Raad Sami and Hamidi, Seyedeh Mehri}, year={2023}, month={Dec.}, keywords={Graphene, Four-wave mixing, WS2, Spatial phase modulation} }