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Journal of Rangeland Science (JRS)

Editor-in-Chief: Ali Ashraf Jafari, PhD

Online ISSN: 2423-642X

Print ISSN: 2008-9996

Publishes Quarterly

Original Article
Effects of Enclosure, Rest-delayed and Continuous Grazing Treatments on Production Rate and Vegetation Cover of SadrAbad Nodoushan of Yazd Pastures A.

In this investigation, the effects of enclosure, restal delayed grazing and continued grazing treatments on the production rate and vegetation cover were studied. Study area was SadrAbad pasture. After selecting three bands (1+1+1=3 hectare area) as three treatments in the restricted and non restricted area, they were transected to three transects. Then plots (1×2m2 ) […]

Original Article
Estimation of Soil Carbon Sequestration Rate in Steppes (Case Study: Saveh Rudshur Steppes)

Since Renaissance, the natural ecosystems have fallen into a complete state of disarray due to the rise in the amount of carbon dioxide. Soil, the unsparing stuff, is one of the major sources of carbon storage, and plays a paramount role in the global equilibrium of carbon as well as carbon sequestration. Given that Iran […]

Original Article
Biological Models for Protecting Different Land Use in Arid Areas China

There are more than 750 counties in 13 provinces and autonomous regions constituting 30% of China lands which are facing serious problem of desertification. These areas are mainly distributed in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas in the western part of Northeast China, North central china and most of northwest china. Biological methods are the […]

Original Article
Assessment of Relationships among Yield and Quality Traits in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) under Dryland Farming System, Hamadan, Iran

Seeds of 200 accessions of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) were provided from Iranian natural resource gene bank and were sown as drilled plot using alpha designs/unreplicated with 2 repeated entries within all of 10 blocks under dry land farming system in agricultural research center of Hamadan, Iran during 2009 to 2010. The data were collected […]

Original Article
Relationships Among Forage and Litter Production in Three Grazing Intensities in Nodooshan Rangeland (Yazd, Iran)

Grazing management plays an important role in the continuous and economic utilization of pastures. Proper grazing management is a main factor for the accumulation of plant litter which reduces soil erosion and increase the soil permeability to keep more moisture in the soil. In current study, the effect of three different grazing intensities (low, moderate […]

Original Article
Study of Gene Effects for Stalk Sugar Yield and Its Component Traits in Sweet Sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] Using Generation Mean Analysis

Generation mean analysis was carried out to estimate the nature and magnitude of gene effects for sugar yield and its component traits in sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Six basic generations, namely P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1P1, BC1P2 of four crosses involving seven diverse parents were evaluated in rainy 2009. The mean performance of […]

Original Article
Assessment of the Effects of Overgrazing on the Soil Physical Characteristic and Vegetation Cover Changes in Rangelands of Hosainabad in Kurdistan Province, Iran

Soil physical properties have an important role on vegetation growth through affecting the development of root system. The aim of this study was to investigate the trampling effect of livestock grazing on soil physical properties and vegetation cover changes. The experiment was conducted on three range condition sites (Reference, Key and Critical area) with ten […]

Original Article
Relationships between Geopedological Characteristics and Vegetation Cover: A Case Study in the Dagh-Finou Catchment, Hormozgan Province, Iran

The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between vegetation, landform and physicochemical properties of soil. At the first terrain map unit were provided using the landsat thematic mapper (TM) satellite images, aerial photograph, topographical and geology map. Field sampling was done in the representative area using plot sampling. 104 plots 100 m2 […]

Original Article
Influence of Pasture and Rainfed Agriculture Land Uses on Soil Loss in Dojag-Chay Subwatershed (Ardabil Province- NW Iran)

One of the main resonator factors in watershed soil erosion is inappropriate land management including conversion of pasture land to dry-land farming. Unfortunately, the changes of Gara Su watershed usages have been very common. Thus, in order to understand the influence of land use on runoff rate and soil loss, soil losses were investigated and […]

Original Article
Application of Ecological Theory to Management of Arid Drylands: An Example from China

Rangeland ecosystems shift across dynamic thresholds between different ecological states in response to natural or human-induced factors. These different ecological states are the result of interactions among climate, soils, grazing history, and management practices. The notion of a single ‘‘pristine’’ final state is only conceptual in nature, and because of this, dynamic thresholds and the […]