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Original Article

Climatic and Environmental Reconstruction Based on Stable Isotopes of Parishan Lake (Iran)



The isotopic documents of lake deposition are suitable potential means for studying
the intercontinental, environmental and climatic conditions. In order to study the
environmental and climatic conditions of Parishan area in Fars province in Holocene, a Core
was taken with the length of 2m from the Parishan lake sediment. From this core, kernel time
series was provided from documents of carbon and oxygen isotopes. Results show that during
the study period, climatic changes because gradual increasing in the value of ∂O18
carb. This
represents a weak dryness process in the area up to now. Contrary to this, carbon isotope
documents during the study period show the more vigorous changes. Variability of ∂C13
values during the study period is known as the result of changes in the value of evacuation of
underground waters to the lake. As it is observed in the process at ∂O18
carb throughout the
study period, ∂C13
carb values have an increasing process, yet the observed changes in ∂C13
value are more vigorous than ∂O18
carb and it seems that variation of underground waters was
not in complete harmony with dryness process of the area. It seems that achievement of
underground waters around the lake in the form of well and aqueduct is the intensify factor
for the reduction of underground inputs to the lake.
