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Journal of Rangeland Science (JRS)

Editor-in-Chief: Ali Ashraf Jafari, PhD

Online ISSN: 2423-642X

Print ISSN: 2008-9996

Publishes Quarterly

Original Article
Comparative Assessment of Gully Erosion and Sediment Yield in Different Rangelands and Agricultural Areas in Ghasr-e-Shirin, Kermanshah, Iran

Negative impacts of gully erosion in marly areas are severe due to improper landuse practices such as irrigation, tillage, overgrazing and degradation of vegetation cover. The objective of this research was to evaluate gully thresholds related to plant vegetation cover and landuse change in the Agriculture (AG), Fair Rangeland (FR) and Weak Rangeland (WR) areas […]

Original Article
Effects of Sowing Season and Cultivation Methods on Seedling Emergence, Survivor Rate and Growth of Astragalus flexilepes L. in Rangelands of Kermanshah Province, Iran

One of the fundamental difficulties in Iranian rangelands is the existence of wide area of poor condition rangelands that their grazing capability is low due to continuous livestock grazing pressure. Astragalus flexilipes is one of the palatable plant species of rangelands in Iran, while its distribution is being decreased due to improper grazing. The aim […]