@article{Ghasemzadeh_2024, title={Spotlight: Application of natural catalysts in the synthesis of organic compounds}, volume={9}, url={https://oiccpress.com/iranian-journal-of-catalysis/article/spotlight-application-of-natural-catalysts-in-the-synthesis-of-organic-compounds/}, abstractNote={Maryam Sadat Ghasemzadeh was born in Ghaen/ Southern Khorasan, Iran. She received her B.Sc. in Pure Chemistry from Imam Khomeini International University and M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry from Birjand University under the supervision of Professor Sara Sobhani. She is currently studying her Ph.D. in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad under the supervision of Professor Batool Akhlaghinia. Her current research focuses on new heterogeneous nanocatalysts to develop new methods of organic synthesis.}, number={2}, journal={Iranian Journal of Catalysis}, publisher={OICC Press}, author={Ghasemzadeh, Maryam Sadat}, year={2024}, month={Feb.}, keywords={Organic compounds, Natural catalysts, Synthesis} }