@article{Oloye_2024, title={The role of carburization temperature on the molybdenum carbide surface and their catalytic activity}, volume={9}, url={https://oiccpress.com/iranian-journal-of-catalysis/article/the-role-of-carburization-temperature-on-the-molybdenum-carbide-surface-and-their-catalytic-activity/}, abstractNote={The surfaces of molybdenum carbide were varied by changing the carburization temperature between 823 and 1123 K. The surfaces of the catalytic material were investigated using in-situ temperature program carburization followed by temperature program reduction and oxidation. In-situ temperature program oxidation (TPO) showed the surfaces of the catalysts contain a similar amount of carbonaceous deposit, while temperature program reduction (TPR) showed their ability to consume hydrogen in different amounts. The result shows the surface of the carbide at 823 K contained oxygen, while those carburized at higher temperature (≥ 923 K) were pure carbide. The catalysts tested for hydroisomerization of n-heptane and the catalyst with oxycarbide surface showed higher activity and iso-heptane selectivity. Hence, carburization temperature plays a crucial role in the formation of an active catalyst.}, number={2}, journal={Iranian Journal of Catalysis}, publisher={OICC Press}, author={Oloye, Femi Francis}, year={2024}, month={Feb.}, keywords={reduction, Activity, Hydroisomerization, Carburisation temperature, Oxidation} }