@article{Orynbaevna_Ospanakunovna_Mautenovna_Namatzhanovish_Asilbek_Sabitovna_2024, title={Recent Updates of Ionic Liquids as a Green and Eco-friendly Catalyst in the Synthesis of Heterocyclic Compounds: A Mini-Review}, volume={13}, url={https://oiccpress.com/iranian-journal-of-catalysis/article/recent-updates-of-ionic-liquids-as-a-green-and-eco-friendly-catalyst-in-the-synthesis-of-heterocyclic-compounds-a-mini-review/}, DOI={10.30495/ijc.2023.2000164.2060}, abstractNote={This review papers aims to comprehensively address the various aspects of ionic liquids and supported ionic liquids, which constitute a significant branch within the expansive field of green catalyst. Specifically, it delves into the recent advancements made in this domain over the past three years for the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds. In the introduction section of this review, the discussion revolves around the structural diversity of ionic liquids with an acidic nature. Furthermore, the introduction presents a clear and definitive classification system for diverse types of acidic ionic liquids. In the last part of this review paper, a comprehensive literature review would be provided on the application of ionic liquids and supported ionic liquids for the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds. The primary objective of this review is to present a comprehensive perspective on the utilization of ionic liquid and supported ionic liquid in the synthesis of various heterocyclic compounds. Special attention is given to the pivotal role played by reusable supported ionic liquids in this process. Highlights This review describe the application of ionic liquids and supported ionic liquids in the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds. The main body and scope of this review is about the application of acidic ionic liquids. A diversity range of heterocyclic compounds were reviewed that they synthesized using ionic liquids. In some reported papers, the ionic liquids have dual roles including solvent and catalyst. }, number={4}, journal={Iranian Journal of Catalysis}, publisher={OICC Press}, author={Orynbaevna, Abilkasova Sandugash and Ospanakunovna, Bugubaeva Gulnar and Mautenovna, Kalimoldina Laila and Namatzhanovish, Alipbayev Amanbol and Asilbek, Kozybayev and Sabitovna, Yegeubayeva Salamat}, year={2024}, month={Jan.}, keywords={Synthesis, Ionic liquid, Green catalyst, Organocatalyst, Heterocyclic} }