@article{Tavakoli_2023, title={Zr-based Metal-Organic Frameworks (Zr-MOFs): As multi-purpose catalysts}, volume={13}, url={https://oiccpress.com/iranian-journal-of-catalysis/article/zr-based-metal-organic-frameworks-zr-mofs-as-multi-purpose-catalysts-2/}, DOI={10.30495/ijc.2023.1975313.1983}, abstractNote={Elham Tavakoli was born in Ilam, Iran in 1990. She received his B.Sc. in Applied Chemistry (2014) from Payame Noor Gilan-e Gharb, Kermanshah University, Iran. She received his M.Sc. in Organic Chemistry (2018) under the supervision of Prof. Davood Azarifar from Bu-Ali Sina University, Iran.  Also, she was also accepted for a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry at the Bu-Ali Sina University under the supervision of Prof. Mohammad Ali Zolfigol (2020). Her research interest is the synthesis, characterization and applications of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts in organic synthesis.}, number={1}, journal={Iranian Journal of Catalysis}, publisher={OICC Press}, author={Tavakoli, Elham}, year={2023}, month={Nov.}, keywords={Zr-based Metal-Organic Frameworks, Catalyst, Density gradient driven instabilities, MOFs, Multi-purpose catalysts} }