@article{Cuy_Moreno_Guevara_García_2024, title={Leachate fermentation from composting organic mineral liquid fertilizer: Effects on the behavior of phosphorus, potassium and organic acids}, url={https://oiccpress.com/international-journal-of-recycling-of-organic-waste-in-agriculture/article/leachate-fermentation-from-composting-organic-mineral-liquid-fertilizer-effects-on-the-behavior-of-phosphorus-potassium-and-organic-acids/}, DOI={10.57647/ijrowa-s7et-tx97}, abstractNote={Purpose: Fermentation process could be a low-cost strategy to stabilize and transform liquid organic residues into organic fertilizers for agricultural use. However, low nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) levels have hampered its potential use as an organic fertilizer. So, this study investigated the behavior of P, K and organic acids in the fermentation of the leachate from urban organic solid waste (UOSW) enriched with phosphoric rock (PR) and K sulfate. Method: Tests for obtaining liquid organic fertilizers rich in P and K were conducted using a 3×3 factorial experiment. The concentrations 5%, 10% and 15% PR, 2.5%, 5 and 10% K sulfate with fractions of the treacle, magnesium sulfate, urea, manganese sulfate, zinc and iron were used. The monitoring of the variables was conducted by using UV-Vis, atomic absorption and HPLC for organic acids. Results: The concentrations of total phosphorus (TP) and K are influenced by the content of PR. However, the highest content of water-soluble phosphorus (W-SP) was observed in treatments containing 5% and 10% PR. Furthermore, the pH changes were related to the presence of short-chain organic acids. Finally, acetic acid (AA), lactic acid (LA), citric acid (CA), propionic acid (PA) and tartaric acid (TA) were identified as products of the decomposition of organic matter. Conclusion: The use of leachate for the production of liquid fertilizers can reduce the amount of waste going to landfills and minimize environmental impact. Also, it can be used as a benefit for soil health by providing essential nutrients to plants.}, journal={International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture}, publisher={OICC Press}, author={Cuy, Angélica María Vargas and Moreno, Lizeth Andrea and Guevara, Luis Alexander Páez and García, José Francisco Molano}, year={2024}, month={Jul.}, keywords={Fermentation, Leachate, Mineralized liquid fertilizer, Phosphoric rock} }