@article{Taleshi_Hosseini_2024, title={Evaluation of catalyst ball-milling process on growth and diameter of carbon nanotubes on iron nanoparticles}, volume={3}, url={https://oiccpress.com/international-journal-of-nano-dimension/article/evaluation-of-catalyst-ball-milling-process-on-growth-and-diameter-of-carbon-nanotubes-on-iron-nanoparticles/}, DOI={10.7508/ijnd.2012.04.008}, abstractNote={In this study, we describe the growth of carbon nanotubes on commercial iron nanoparticles without carbon shell (Fe (nm), size 2O3 and Fe* (nm)/MgO) was carried out by mixing commercial Fe* nanoparticles (as catalyst) with Al2O3 and MgO powders (as supports)by using ball-milling method. The results show in spite of the fact that ball-milling process can have negative effects on diameter and morphology of synthesized CNTs at 925 ˚C, but it could increase the range of growth temperature from 865 ˚C to 975 ˚C.}, number={4}, journal={International Journal of Nano Dimension (Int. J. Nano Dimens.)}, publisher={OICC Press}, author={Taleshi, F. and Hosseini, Ali A.}, year={2024}, month={Mar.}, keywords={Ball- milling, Carbon nanotubes, Catalyst nanoparticles, Chemical vapor deposition} }