International Journal of Nano Dimension (Abbreviation: Int J Nano Dimens) is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed open access, online journal originally published four times a year by the Tonekabon branch of the IAU, Iran. The new publisher of this journal is OICC Press. IJND aims to provide an academic medium to present and disseminate scientific discoveries and technological advances related to the materials with at least one dimension sized in the range of 1 to 100 nano-meters. IJND is a forum for scientific exchange and communication of materials scientists and engineers as well as other researchers working in different fields that nanoscience can be applied to such as biology, chemistry, electronics, energy engineering, environmental science and medical sciences. IJND is fully open access and full texts of published articles are available to the public through the journal’s website for free. Moreover, manuscript submission and publication processing of accepted manuscripts are free of charge.
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Journal DOI: 10.57647/IJND
Journal Abbreviation: Int J Nano Dimens
Journal Title Acronym: IJND
Journal Owner: Islamic Azad University
Journal Statistics
Number of Volumes62
Number of Issues638
Number of Articles1625
Number of Contributors1,143,229
Article Views701,557
PDF Downloads1938
View per Article1189
PDF Download per Article1,293
Number of Submissions365
Accepted Submissions28
Acceptance Rate (%)121
Time to Accept (Days)Current Issue
Vol 16, No 1 (2025)
Table of Contents
Original Article