Guide for Authors

 Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences (IJES) publishes original research papers and review articles on geosciences. These papers cover Mineralogy, Petrology, Tectonics, Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Paleobiology, Sedimentology, Geochemistry, Environmental Geology, Hydrogeology, Medical Geology and Ore Deposits, preferentially from orogenic belts. We particularly welcome papers with a wide appeal to geologists, papers introducing new concepts and correlations, and those presenting the applications of new approaches to the solution of geological problems. IJES does not publish papers that have very local implications only, papers that cannot be generalized to regions outside of the study area, or papers that do not have any consequences for geosciences.

General instructions

Please prepare your paper (full article, review, etc.) in a .doc (docx) format with numbered lines with tables and figures ready for the convenient review process. Manuscript formats (MS) in English must be submitted online through the editorial system for IJES at

Please select “Register” on the web page of IJES, then enter the requested information, and upload the manuscript files of the original, still unpublished MS. The author of the submitted manuscript will receive an e-mail notification from the managing editor and can track the progress of MS throughout the peer review process.

All manuscripts submitted for publication must be accompanied by a Conflict of Interest & Copyright Transfer Form. The form should be downloaded, completed in print, signed by the corresponding author on behalf of all authors and uploaded with the manuscript upon submission.

Notice to authors

Double-spaced MS typed on A4 paper with 3 cm margins, and a font size of 12 points, limited to a maximum of 20 printed journal pages, will be published without charge. Authors of the submitted MS will receive a form assigning the copyright of the paper to the journal. If previously published figures occur in the paper, it is necessary to submit written permission from the copyright owner, and a credit line must be included in the figure caption.


Manuscripts that do not meet the standards explained below will be returned to the author. Manuscripts should generally be organized in the following order:

 Title — Full Name(s)and Address(es) — Abstract — Keywords — Introduction — Main Text — Conclusions — Acknowledgments — References

 Appendix — Table headings and Figure Captions — Tables — Figures – Sample localities (including GPS coordinates).

The title should be as short, informative, and concise. It must inform about the major findings or implications of the manuscript. The author’s names and their institutional addresses should be given unabbreviated, and accompanied by the e-mail address. The abstract (not exceeding 250 words) should contain highlights for a general audience and should make clear why are the results and interpretations noteworthy. Keywords (maximum 5 items) should be arranged in succession from general to more specific ones, e.g., Central Iran, Zagros belt, granitoid, geochemistry, REE.


The main text body consists of Methods, Results, and Discussion. The text should contain two or three levels of headings. Their hierarchy should be indicated in the MS in descending order. The reference to page numbers in the text should be avoided; references to appropriate sections should be preferred. Words to be emphasized, physical symbols and Greek letters to be set in another type (e.g. italics) should be marked. Hyphens should be carefully distinguished from dashes. SI units are preferred. Acknowledgements must be short and concise.


Cite references in the text by name and year (chronological order) in parentheses. Some examples: Negotiation research spans many disciplines (Thompson 1990). This result was later contradicted by Becker and Seligman (1996). This effect has been widely studied (Abbott 1991; Barakat et al. 1995; Kelso and Smith 1998; Medvec et al. 1999).

Reference list

The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications and unpublished works should only be mentioned in the text. Reference list entries should be alphabetized by the last names of the first author of each work. The list of references should be arranged first alphabetically and then further sorted chronologically if necessary. Journal titles should be typed in italics. Quotations of papers published in the non-Latin alphabet (or in languages other than English, Persian, Arabic, French or German) should be translated into English with an indication of the original language in parentheses, e.g.: (in Persian). The standard form is as follows:

Grover AK, Pandit MK (2015) Ancient Gold Mining Activities in India – An Overview, Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences 7:1-13.

 Mollai H, Pe-Piper G, Dabiri R (2014) Genetic relationships between skarn ore deposits and magmatic activity in the Ahar region, Western Alborz, NW Iran, Geologica Carpathica 65:209-227.

Sherafat S, Khodami M, Mohammadi F (2010) Geochemistry of Adakitic Volcanism in Central Iran. 1st International Applied Geological Congress, Department of Geology, Islamic Azad University – Mashad Branch, Iran (in Persian).

Wilson BM (2007) Igneous petrogenesis a global tectonic approach. Springer Science & Business Media.

For authors using EndNote, IJES provides an output style that supports the formatting of in-text citations and reference lists.


Figures represented by originals of high quality available in editable format (CDR or PSD) will be asked for after the review process from the technical editor. Figures larger than the page size and folded figures are not accepted. Line arts should make full use of the area. All maps should contain a northward arrow, metric scale, and longitude and latitude coordinates. Try to reduce complicated legends: easily readable figures are preferred. The acceptable maximum size of figures is two column widths (17 x 23 cm). Photographs and micrographs must be sharp, contrast originals, and must be accompanied by the scale bar. Photographic illustrations will appear as figures (or mounted figures, numbered 1.1, 1.2, etc.), not as plates. Please, see to the careful aesthetic arrangement of your mounted figures: individual photos should be compatible in tone and technique. Avoid large areas with empty backgrounds.


Table captions should be short, clear and intelligible. The number of tables for the printed version should be limited to an essential amount. All tables have to be prepared at the final size of one or two column widths (8 x 23 cm or 17 x 23 cm), with font of 7 pt and height of rows of 8 pt. Align numbers in the column according to the decimal point. Tables not fulfilling these criteria should be omitted.

Manuscript processing Galley proofs should be corrected and returned within seven days of receipt. New data or inferences cannot be inserted into the text at the time of proofreading. If the author does not return galley proofs in time, the Editorial Office reserves the right to make corrections to the text in accordance with the MS.