Recent advances of functionalized Fe3O4 as nanocatalyst in carbon-carbon coupling reaction: A review
- Savitribai Phule Pune University, Dada Patil Mahavidyalaya, Maharashtra, India
Received: 2024-05-28
Revised: 2024-08-24
Accepted: 2024-09-07
Published 2024-10-08
Copyright (c) 2024 @Authors

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Green Chemistry is the design of chemical products and processes that reduce or eliminate the use of hazardous substances. The benefits of green chemistry include safe food, clean water, clean air, less exposure to toxins, and safer consumer goods of all kinds. This approach is effective in safeguarding our ecosystem from harmful and poisonous materials. Scientists are becoming more interested in nanocatalysis since these processes are environmentally benign and safe. In the past ten years, magnetic nanoparticles have demonstrated remarkable efficacy as catalysts due to their ease of synthesis, modification, and enormous surface area ratio. Several of the most important features of these nanocatalysts are their high selectivity, excellent yields, and short reaction times, so these catalysts provide economical synthetic routes to target products. Organic reactions, including oxidation, hydrogenation, coupling, condensation, esterification, photocatalysis, and biocatalysts, ferrite nanocatalysts are coated with silica and are capable of catalyzing industrially. It is possible to synthesize transformations with excellent yields and selectivity using these nanocatalysts in a simple and eco-friendly manner. The catalytic activity of these catalysts can be reused for many repeated cycles as the magnetic properties enable easy separation after the reaction is complete by applying external magnetic fields. In this review, we focus on the synthesis of novel iron oxide nanoparticles using various synthetic methods. These catalysts are applicable in organic reactions such as Suzuki, Heck, Sonogashira, and A3 coupling reactions. Also, we discuss the recyclability and re-utilization of these nanoparticles.
Research Highlights
- In this review, the biodegradable catalysts were investigated.
- Iron oxide nanoparticle and silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles were reviewed in different reaction.
- Bond forming reaction and multicomponent reaction reviewed for lastly years.
- Recyclability and re-utilization of the catalysts were investigated.
- Coupling reactions,
- Iron oxide nanocatalyst,
- Recyclability,
- Re-utilization,
- Silica-coated iron oxide
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