@article{Simpson_2024, title={Geotourism and Geoconservation on the Isle of Wight, UK: Balancing Science with Commerce}, volume={1}, url={https://oiccpress.com/geoconservation-research/article/geotourism-and-geoconservation-on-the-isle-of-wight-uk-balancing-science-with-commerce/}, DOI={10.30486/gcr.2018.540989}, abstractNote={The Isle of Wight has a rich and varied geological heritage which attracts scientists, tourists and fossil collectors, both private and commercial. Each party has a role to play in geoconservation and geotourism, but a policy on the long term curation of scientifically important specimens is essential to prevent future conflicts. A new code of conduct is recommended, based on the one adopted on the Jurassic Coast of Dorset. I have spent over 40 years living on the Island and working in the tourist industry running geology field-trips for both academics and tourists, and managing one of the longest running geological gift shops. I see the geological heritage and fossil sites as valuable geotourism assets, and envisage no problems with respect to the scientifically important material provided that a clear collecting policy is adopted, and the local museum generates funding to ensure that significant finds remain on the Island. A positive attitude is recommended in view of past experiences.}, number={1}, journal={Geoconservation Research (Geoconserv. Res.)}, publisher={OICC Press}, author={Simpson, Martin}, year={2024}, month={Jan.}, keywords={Isle of Wight, Palaeontology, Geology, Tourism} }