Conservation efforts, such as geoconservation, involve some degree of subjectivity, compromising the objective data and verifiable evidence required for effective decision-making. Geodiversity, which comprises the non-living components that underpin life, is increasingly at risk from human activities and is frequently overlooked in conservation initiatives. Here, we develop a novel subjectivity evaluation tool and management framework, […]
An essential component for sustaining biodiversity and providing natural resources for society is the management of geodiversity, as represented by the geoheritage of a region, comprising a collection of geosites. In nature conservation planning, the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provide an excellent framework for both the private and public sectors. The north coast […]
The emerging broad science of geodiversity defined in terms of geomorphological diversity assesses geomorphological features of territory by comparing them in an extrinsic and intrinsic way. This paper uses SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission) data and GIS (Geographical Information System) techniques to assess the geomorphological diversity of Komati Gorge, in Mpumalanga Province of South Africa. […]
The exclusivity of biodiversity and geodiversity assessment hinders conservation outcomes, evidenced by the prioritization of biodiversity in conservation literature, and lagging developmental state in geodiversity assessment approaches, geoconservation strategies and outcomes. This study develops a consolidated approach, “omnidiversity”, amalgamating geodiversity and biodiversity assessment with geoconservation strategies and complementary ecological conservation criteria using ArcGIS mobile applications. […]
Over the course of the Earth’s history, the development of geodiversity has allowed the establishment of biotic diversity on our planet. Just as biodiversity is the subject of studies and protection actions, abiotic nature also needs to be conserved and used more sustainably. One of the ways to do this is to delimit areas where […]
Paraguay’s first geopark began in 2017 and work is ongoing. The project is managed by a committee comprised of key stakeholders from state and municipal entities, universities, and local communities, to promote and generate sustainable local development strategies. Paraguay has significant geodiversity, particularly in the eastern region, with rocks ranging from the Paleoproterozoic to Quaternary […]