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Geoconservation Research (Geoconserv. Res.)

Editor-in-Chief: Michael Benton, PhD

Online ISSN: 2588-7343

Print ISSN: 2645-4661

Publishes Biannual

Short Communications
Rock Art Conservation and Geotourism: A practical example from Foum Chenna engravings site, Morocco

The rock engravings, the subject of this article, are artistic representations made by people from cultural communities who no longer exist. The rock art was a way of expressing their thoughts, culture and beliefs, before the invention of writing. The engravings represent an archive of an ancient civilization which developed over thousands of years throughout […]

Letters to the Editor Geopark
“Canaralele din Portul Hârșova”- Paleontological importance of the most representative Oxfordian geosite in Central Dobrogea, Romania

“Canaralele din Portul Hârșova” geosite is integrated into ‘Canaralele Dunarii’ Natura 2000 site (ROSCI0022), and represents the northern part of the geologic profile in Jurassic deposits that is exposed along the Danube River valley between Hârșova and Capidava. This sector exhibits Middle and Upper Jurassic deposits, developed in biohermal (in situ spongalgal, coralgal reefs and […]

Fig. 1