Current Trends and Future Directions for Geoheritage Assessment Methodology in Morocco
- Governance of Territories and Societies Research Team, Polydisciplinary Faculty, Safi, Cadi Ayyad University, Morocco
- Geodynamics, Geoeducation, and Geological Heritage team, Department of Geology, Faculty of Sciences, Chouaïb Doukkali University, El Jadida, Morocco
Received: 2024-02-21
Revised: 2024-05-24
Accepted: 2024-06-09
Published 2024-09-23
Copyright (c) 2024 @Authors

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How to Cite
El Hamidy, M., Errami, E., & Elkaichi, A. (2024). Current Trends and Future Directions for Geoheritage Assessment Methodology in Morocco. Geoconservation Research, 7(1), 89-11.
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Inventorying and assessing geoheritage is a prerequisite for developing measures to preserve unique geological and geomorphological sites. Several researchers have developed methods for assessing and determining the value of geological and geomorphological sites. Given rapid environmental and climatic changes, it is crucial to improve the state of geoheritage assessment and inventory development. This overview presents an analysis of research on geoheritage assessment conducted in Morocco over the past 14 years (2008â2022). The objective is to provide an overview of the main methodological approaches. The analysis is based on a search of the Science Direct, Scopus, and Google Scholar databases to identify publications dealing mainly with Moroccan geoheritage sites. We find that most studies have concentrated on the identification and characterization of various geoheritage sites across the country, employing only the descriptive method. However, as the field has progressed, earth scientists are applying quantitative inventory and assessment methods, with some initiatives to propose new methods adapted to the Moroccan context.Keywords
- Assessment,
- Geoconservation,
- Geoheritage,
- Inventory,
- Morocco
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