Semiannual Journal of Geoconservation Research (Geoconserv. Res.) is an international, single-blind, open access and peer-review journal. Accepted manuscripts will not be subject to any page charges and article processing charges. We encourage all researchers, professors, experts and practitioners to submit their original work and papers to the GCR journal. The journal grants all users free, worldwide and perpetual access and is fully funded by IAUniversity –Isfahan Branch. The new publisher of the journal is OICC Press.
Journal DOI: 10.57647/gcr
Journal Abbreviation: Geoconserv Res
Journal Title Acronym: GCR
Owner: Islamic Azad University
Aim and Scopes of Geoconserv. Res.:
- Geoconservation in theory and practice
- Thematic scope of geoconservation projects
- Geodiversity and its scientific justification at national, regional and global scales
- Geoparks, practical aspects of identification, establishment, and enhancement
- Geological site maintenance and enhancement: practical aspects of geoconservation
- Museums: specimen-based geoconservation
- Geotourism: harnessing the interest of different interest groups
- Education and how to engage and explain geoconservation sites
- Geohazards, understanding, predicting and mitigating
This journal is a member of COPE and subscribes to the principles of, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)(https://publicationethics.org/).
Geoconservation Research has been indexed in Emerging Sources Citation Index
Note: The previous URL of the journal was https://gcr.isfahan.iau.ir/
Journal Statistics
Number of Volumes11
Number of Issues125
Number of Articles306
Number of Contributors59,006
Article View35,339
PDF Download472
View Per Article283
PDF Download Per Article600
Number of Reviewers18
Number of Indexing & Abstracting DatabasesCurrent Issue
Vol 7, No 2 (2024): Geoconservation and Museums